Eliminating Work Order Backlogs: A CMMS-Based Approach

September 2021 For any organization, maintenance backlogs play an important role in determining the reliability of an equipment’s operating condition, the efficiency of an organization’s maintenance plan, and the major areas of improvement in an organization’s maintenance operations.  Maintenance backlogs are tasks that are ready to be done, such as preventive maintenance routines, predictive maintenance … Read more

Importance of Maintenance Management Software

September 2021 Maintenance management is the core of your business.  Not managed right it can cost you a lot of time, money, and sometimes your business.  The maintenance management experience today is very different from that of spreadsheets, notebooks, pencils and paper.  With the centralization and mobility of data, businesses are looking at a web-based … Read more

Cutting Maintenance Costs Without Compromising Efficiency

September 2021 Maintenance costs are a significant part of an organization’s budget and are usually the first department that encounters cuts. Cutting costs is only part of the solution, organizations have to work smarter and look at more innovative ways to work more efficiently and boost their return on investment. Reducing maintenance costs is not … Read more

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