Work Orders: Managing Maintenance Backlog

March 2021

Maintenance Management

During the COVID-19 pandemic, maintenance teams had the responsibility to help their companies operate through this major disaster. As businesses return into operation, maintenance teams are now facing the biggest challenges of our time. Added to their maintenance backlog and routine responsibilities, they now have larger responsibilities of minimizing risks to employees with new sanitization and safety guidelines.

Facing those maintenance backlogs from preventive maintenance routines, predictive maintenance tasks, to corrective maintenance work – where do you start? To get these tasks under control you need effective Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) software to help you in your planning, scheduling, and organization of resources and tasks to keep your business operating. You perform these tasks for a reason: to prevent any safety issues, damages, and hazards that could put you, your equipment, your workers, or your customers in danger. Read More…

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