
Training to Meet the Needs of Your Organization

MSJ Testimonial

CMMS Training, eworkorders traing

Our goal at eWorkOrders is to ensure that our customers are knowledgeable and feel comfortable with using our software.  Our customized live training with your team is recorded, so that you and your team can review any of the training modules at your convenience.

Web Conference and Video Training

User training is available in two different formats:

  • Web Conference
  • Online Videos

The web conferences can have multiple attendees and they can attend from separate locations. Training sessions are recorded and can be shared with other users that are unable to attend.  Videos and online help is also available throughout the individual modules.

Administrators typically go through a setup session done via web conference.  During this session they will configure most settings and begin setting up users.  After attending that session they typically understand most concepts in the system and can apply those to using other sections as well.

There is also online help for everything in the system.

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