Golf Course Maintenance Guide: Essential Tips and Checklist  

Golf Course TipsManaging a golf course can be a daunting task, but with the appropriate strategy, it doesn’t have to be. Golf course maintenance is critical for maintaining your course playable, visually appealing, and safe for players. This Golf Course Maintenance Guide is designed to provide you with practical and actionable tips for keeping your course in good condition. From greens to bunkers, tee boxes to fairways, irrigation systems to equipment maintenance, and everything in between, we’ll cover it all. This guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to keep your course in outstanding shape all year, whether you’re a seasoned superintendent or a beginner golf course owner.

What is golf course maintenance?

Maintaining a golf course is complex and requires a lot of diverse tasks and activities more than watering the greens and mowing the lawns. Some of these tasks include:

  • Repairing and replacing club assets. (Equipment like mowers, servicing golf carts, golf course equipment, driving range areas, grounds equipment, and more.)
  • Fairways, putting greens, and bunkers. (Mowing, fertilizing the turf, aerating the soil, and controlling pests and weeds.
  • Clubhouse and other buildings onsite. In every clubhouse, workers have extensive tasks such as maintaining the golf cart fleet, managing inventory of supplies and equipment, ensuring that the clubhouse is compliant with health and safety regulations, and more.
  • Irrigation systems and landscaping.
    • This includes overseeing the maintenance of the irrigation system to ensure the turf and greens are healthy.
    • The maintenance team is responsible for maintaining the course landscaping, including trees, bushes, and flowers.

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Golf Course Greens Maintenance Tips

Following are some best practice tips to include in your maintenance plan. Every golf course has its own requirements, section is meant to provide you with some general maintenance suggestions.

Removing Ball Marks

Removing ball marks from a golf course is an important part of maintaining the quality of the greens. Here are some tips for removing ball marks from a golf course:

Act quickly: The longer you wait to repair a ball mark, the more difficult it will be. Take care of any ball marks as soon as you notice them.

Use a ball mark repair tool: A ball mark repair tool is created exclusively to repair ball marks. Insert the prongs into the ground at the depression’s edge and gently push the turf toward the mark’s center.

Don’t lift the turf: It is important not to lift the turf with your ball mark repair tool. This can damage the roots and make it difficult for the grass to recuperate.

Smooth the surface: After pushing the grass into the center of the mark, smooth the area with the flat side of the repair tool.

Water the area: Once you’ve fixed the ball mark, water the area to help it heal more quickly.

Encourage others to fix ball marks: It’s important to educate other golfers about the importance of fixing ball marks. The more people who take care of the course, the better it will be for everyone.

Use a gentle touch: When fixing a ball mark, use a gentle touch to avoid damaging the turf. You want to push the grass toward the center of the mark without tearing it.

Avoid using your golf club: Using your golf club to fix a ball mark can cause more harm than good. The blunt edge of your club can damage the turf and make it harder for the grass to heal.

Check for hidden ball marks: Sometimes ball marks can be difficult to see, especially if they’re on a sloping green. Before putting, take a moment to scan the surface of the green for any hidden ball marks.

Be proactive: If you notice a particularly bad spot on the green, take the time to fix multiple ball marks in the area. This will help improve the overall quality of the green and prevent future damage.

Putting Greens

Mowing: Mow the putting green frequently, ideally daily or every other day, to keep the grass at a uniform height. The height of the grass will vary depending on the variety, but most putting greens are kept around 1/8 to 1/4 inch.

Rolling: Rolling the green helps in the creation of a smooth, level surface. Roll the green on a regular basis with a heavy roller or specialist rolling equipment.

Watering: Water the putting green on a regular basis, but avoid overwatering, which can cause fungal development and other issues. Water in the morning or evening to minimize evaporation.

Fertilizing: To promote healthy development, apply fertilizer to the putting green on a regular basis. Use a slow-release fertilizer to avoid sudden growth spurts that can lead to uneven surfaces.

Aeration: Aerating the green helps to enhance drainage and prevent soil compaction. To increase drainage, use specialized equipment to make small holes in the green and fill the holes with sand.

Weed Control: Inspect the putting green on a regular basis for weed development and take the necessary procedures to control it. Herbicides, physical weed removal, or a combination of the two may be used.

Pest Control: Insects and other pests can seriously harm putting greens. Regularly inspect the green and take actions to control pests as soon as they are detected.

Avoid Traffic: Try to minimize foot traffic on the green, particularly during periods of wet weather, to avoid damaging the surface.

Soil Testing: Soil testing should be done at least once a year to determine the pH and nutrient content of your soil. You can adjust your fertilization program based on the results to ensure your putting green receives the proper quantity of nutrients.

Overseeding: Overseeding can help fill in bare places on your putting green and keep it looking lush and healthy. Select a grass seed that is appropriate for your climate and the unique conditions of your green.

Edge Trimming: Keep the edges of your putting green neatly trimmed to give it a clean and polished look. Use a string trimmer or hand-held shears to carefully trim the edges.

Irrigation System Maintenance: If you have an irrigation system, make sure it is operational and configured to provide even coverage across the green. Check for broken or blocked sprinkler heads on a regular basis and repair them as needed.

Shade Management: If your putting green is in a shaded area, it may be more susceptible to disease and other problems. To bring additional sunshine to the green, consider trimming overhanging branches or putting shade cloth.

Record Keeping: Keep a record of your maintenance activities, such as mowing and fertilization, so you can track your progress and adjust your program as needed.

Rake Bunkers

Rake bunkers can be found on most golf courses and are strategically placed to challenge golfers of all levels. The sand in the bunker is typically deep and loose, making it difficult for golfers to hit their ball cleanly out of the bunker. Rakes are usually provided to help golfers smooth out the sand after they have hit their shot to ensure that the bunker is in good condition for the next player. Maintaining rake bunkers is an important part of golf course maintenance, as they can quickly become overgrown with weeds and debris if left unattended.

Check Sand Level: Regularly check the sand level in your bunker to ensure that it is at the correct depth. The ideal depth is usually 3 to 4 inches. If the sand level falls below a certain level, add more sand to maintain the right depth.

Raking: Rake your bunkers on a regular basis to keep the sand level and consistent. This will also help keep weeds and other debris from growing in the sand.

Edge Trimming: Keep your bunkers’ edges properly trimmed to give them a clean and polished appearance. Trim the edges using a string trimmer or hand-held shears.

Drainage: Make sure your bunker has appropriate drainage to avoid water gathering in the sand. If you see standing water in your bunker, you may need to adjust the slope or add drainage channels.

Weed Control: Weeds can quickly take over a bunker if left unchecked. Regularly inspect your bunker for signs of weeds and use an appropriate herbicide to control them.

Repair Damage: Regularly inspect your bunkers for signs of damage, such as erosion or washouts. Make repairs as needed to keep your bunkers in good working order.

Add Sand: Maintain the right depth and consistency of your bunker by adding additional sand as needed. It is recommended that new sand be added at least once a year.

Inspect Rakes: Check your bunker rakes regularly to ensure that they are in good condition and functioning properly. Replace any broken or damaged rakes as needed.

Repairing Divots

Divots, or turf pieces lifted from the ground when a player strikes a shot, are a typical occurrence on golf courses. Repairing divots is vital for the health and beauty of the course, as well as to ensure that other golfers’ strokes are not harmed by unrepaired divots. Here are several divot repair tips:

Repair the divot as soon as possible: Repair of divots should be done daily. The sooner you repair a divot, the easier it is to fix and the faster the turf will heal. Make it a habit to repair your divots immediately after hitting your shot.

Collect the turf: Pick up the divot as well as any loose turf that is still intact. Replace them in the hole, grassroots facing down.

Level the surface: To level the surface, use a tee or divot repair tool to gently press down on the divot’s edges.

Fill the divot: Fill any holes in the ground where the divot was with sand or a divot mix given by the course. Using your club or the sole of your shoe, smooth the surface.

Water the divot: Water the area after repairing the divot to help the grass grow back quickly.

Golf Course Mowing

Golf course mowing is an important part of course maintenance. Proper mowing helps to maintain the course’s health and appearance, and it can also impact how well the course plays. Below are some golf course mowing tips:

Use the right equipment: To properly mow a golf course, you need the right equipment. Golf course mowers are specifically designed to cut the grass at the right height and to handle the contours of the course. Make sure you have the right mower for the job.

Mow at the right height: The height at which you mow the course can have an effect on the health of the grass as well as how the course plays. To determine the proper height for your course, consult with your course superintendent.

Mow in different directions: It is important to mow the course in diverse directions to prevent wear patterns and promote even growth. Alternate mowing patterns each time you mow.

Keep the mower blades sharp:  Dull blades can damage the grass and prevent appropriate growth. Sharpen the mower blades to ensure a clean cut and to prevent damage to the grass.

Mow at the right time: Mowing at the proper time of day can help avoid stress on the grass and improve the cut quality. Mow in the early morning or late afternoon, when the grass is dry and the sun is less intense.

Don’t mow too often: While mowing is necessary, excessive mowing can stress the grass and damage the root system. Mow the course as needed, but don’t go overboard.

Pay attention to the weather: Wet conditions can make mowing difficult and can also damage the lawn. Avoid mowing when the course is wet, and monitor the weather to ensure you’re mowing at the appropriate time.

Use a consistent speed: Mow at a consistent speed to achieve an even cut and to avoid damage to the grass. Avoid going too quickly or too sluggish, and avoid abrupt stops and starts.

Be mindful of clippings: Leaving excessive clippings on the course can be unsightly and can also contribute to thatch buildup. Use a blower or a sweeper to remove clippings from the course as you mow.

Pond Maintenance

Golf course ponds are an important aspect of course design, but they also need to be maintained on a regular basis to look and function properly. Below are some pond upkeep ideas for golf courses:

Regularly test the water quality: Water quality testing is an important part of pond upkeep. Regularly test for pH, alkalinity, and other chemical levels to ensure that the water is safe for plants and aquatic life.

Control algae growth: Algae can quickly take over a pond and impact the health of the water. To control algae growth, use an algaecide or add beneficial bacteria to the pond.

Remove debris: Debris in the pond, including leaves, grass clippings, and other organic debris, can lead to the growth of algae and other unwanted plants. Remove detritus from the pond’s surface with a net or a skimmer.

Monitor and control invasive plants: Invasive plants like cattails, water hyacinths, and hydrilla can swiftly take over a pond and negatively impact the health of the water. Regularly inspect the pond for invasive plants and remove them as soon as possible.

Control erosion: Erosion can cause the banks of the pond to collapse and impact the stability of the surrounding area. Control erosion by planting native grasses or other vegetation along the banks of the pond.

Control pests: Mosquitoes and other insects can be a nuisance to golfers and have an impact on the health of the pond. Pests can be controlled by using larvicides or other treatments, as well as removing any standing water in the surrounding area.

Maintain aeration: Aeration is essential for keeping healthy oxygen levels in the pond and preventing silt and other organic matter buildups. Maintain appropriate oxygen levels in the pond by using an aerator.

Consult with a professional: For more complex pond maintenance tasks, it’s best to consult a professional. A professional can help with tasks such as dredging, bank stabilization, and other specialized maintenance tasks.

Golf Course Equipment Maintenance

Maintaining your golf course equipment is essential for keeping it in good condition and extending its lifespan. From mowers to golf carts, keeping all of the equipment operating at peak performance can be challenging. Below is a golf course equipment maintenance schedule to help you stay on top of regular maintenance tasks:

Daily maintenance:

  • Charge electric golf carts.
  • Inspect the fluid levels of the oil, fuel, and hydraulic fluids, and add more as required.
  • Clean equipment after use to avoid the accumulation of debris and grass clippings.
  • Inspect tires for proper inflation and any signs of wear or damage.
  • Check the condition of the belts, blades, and other moving parts for any signs of wear or damage.
  • Lubricate all moving parts as needed.

Weekly maintenance:

  • Examine all safety switches, light fixtures, and other electrical components.
  • Examine all hydraulic lines for leaks and damage.
  • Sharpen and balance all blades.
  • Inspect the air filter and replace it as needed.
  • Inspect the spark plugs and replace them if necessary.

Monthly maintenance:

  • Replace the engine oil and filter.
  • Inspect and replace the fuel filter as needed.
  • Inspect and replace the hydraulic filter as needed.
  • Inspect the battery and clean the terminals if necessary.

Golf Carts

  • Check the pressure in the tires.
  • Examining the water levels in electric carts.
  • Perform battery maintenance for electric golf carts.
  • Inspect and keep the battery compartment clean.
  • Inspect golf carts mirrors, signal lights, interior and exterior.

Semi-Annual maintenance:

Semi-annual maintenance checks for golf carts are important to ensure that your cart stays in good working condition. Here are some maintenance checks that are typically performed on golf carts every six months:

  • Check battery terminals for corrosion, and clean them if needed. Inspect battery water levels, test voltage, and charging system.
  • Inspect brake pads for wear, and adjust cables if needed. For hydraulic brakes, check fluid levels and replace them if necessary. Inspect brake lines and hoses for wear or damage.
  • Check shock absorbers and springs for wear or damage. Inspect the steering system for looseness and wear, and lubricate joints as needed.
  • Perform front-wheel alignment.
  • Inspect wiring and connectors for wear or damage. Ensure secure connections and proper grounding. Check all lights, signals, and electrical equipment.
  • Inspect tires for wear or damage, and check the pressure. Replace worn or damaged tires.
  • Check solenoids in gas-powered golf carts.
  • Inspect the body and frame for damage or wear. Tighten or replace loose or missing parts as needed.
  • Thoroughly clean the cart and apply tire protectant. Check the drive system for loose or missing parts, and adjust or replace them as necessary.
  • Inspect wipers and windshields
  • Inspecting gauges

Annual maintenance:

  • Replace the air filter and fuel filter.
  • Replace the spark plugs.
  • Inspect the brake system and replace any worn parts.
  • Inspect the electrical system and replace any worn parts.
  • Inspect the engine and transmission mounts for wear.
  • Inspect the fuel lines and replace them if necessary.
  • Inspect the cooling system and replace the antifreeze if necessary.
  • Inspect the belts and replace them if necessary.

Golf Carts

  • Inspect tire rotation and check for any signs of wear or damage.
  • Check the alignment of the wheels.
  • Change the oil and oil filter.
  • Change the air filters.
  • Replace the spark plugs.
  • Inspect the clutch function and adjust it as necessary to ensure proper operation.
  • Inspect the exhaust pipe and muffler
  • Replace any worn or damaged parts
  • Apply lubricant to any moving parts, such as the steering mechanism, pedals, and suspension system.
  • Check the battery.
  • Inspect the brake pads, shoes, and drums.
  • Inspect the steering system.
  • Inspect the suspension system.
  • Inspect the electrical system.
  • Thoroughly clean the cart.

Benefits Of Using CMMS To Streamline golf course maintenance

If you manage a golf course you know the importance of having the right equipment, and staying up on maintaining greens, fairways, bunkers, and irrigation systems. Now that you know what you need, it is important to keep track of maintaining the equipment and instructing your team on how to do it.

Using computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) software for golf course maintenance can help you increase productivity and enable you to adhere to a preventative maintenance schedule. Using CMMS maintenance software provides numerous advantages. The most significant advantage is that it assists you in staying organized, which is vital for the success of your business. By utilizing a CMMS, you can ensure that the needs of your golf course are being met. A CMMS ensures you are catering to your golf course’s needs.

Below are some of the benefits of using maintenance management software like CMMS for golf course maintenance.

  • Create a preventive maintenance plan.
  • Schedule preventative maintenance and inspection tasks in advance.
  • Create maintenance checklists.
  • Enable your entire team to stay informed about tasks and deadlines through task management.
  • Complete work orders quickly and efficiently.
  • Monitor asset lifecycles to generate accurate capital planning reports.
  • Manage spare parts inventory.
  • Dashboard reporting simplifies tracking and project status.
  • Using your mobile devices you have access to all of your information, you can manage work orders, track assets and assign tasks anytime and anywhere.
  • CMMS is a centralized system that stores all of your data, documents, and images in a centralized system.

The maintenance of a golf course involves numerous complex components. Given the expansive nature of golf courses, it can be challenging to keep track of every task. By utilizing CMMS, software you can efficiently manage the back-end processes, allowing your team to smoothly run the front-end operations.


This guide is designed to offer valuable tips and a checklist to help you manage your golf course maintenance more efficiently. The recommendations outlined in this guide can help you streamline your maintenance operations and achieve better results in less time. Whether you are a golf course superintendent, a maintenance manager, or a member of the course staff, the insights shared here can help you prioritize your tasks, allocate your resources, and enhance the overall quality of your course. With this guide, you have the tools and knowledge to optimize your maintenance processes and ensure that your course remains a premier destination for golfers of all skill levels.

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