What You Need to Know About Effective Facilities Management

DTH Contract Services aves Over $150,000/year in IT Services!

Rhett Raynor, President of DTH Contract Services, manages and maintains facilities for customers across the US.  One of their largest clients is the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), where the DTH team was responsible for maintaining the rest stop and welcome center facilities access Virginia’s highways.  VDOT’s main concern is the safety of their employees and the patrons’ using their highway facilities, ensuring that facilities are properly maintained and issues are resolved immediately.

Business Challenge

VDOT’s traffic monitoring program includes more than 100,000 segments of roads and highways and over 100 rest areas and welcome centers.

DTH’s challenge was working with the aging facilities and keeping everything safe and in working order.  With thousands of people using these facilities 24/7, their primary objective is being able to quickly respond to the public’s needs and issues to ensure their safety.  It is important to have all of the restrooms clean, the equipment working and well maintained.  Having unsafe bathrooms or bathrooms out of order was unacceptable.

With a growing business and customers of this size, DTH’s objective was to be able to have one centralized system to manage projects of this magnitude and all of their other projects, along with the manpower to support the projects.


eWorkOrders has done so many implementations and managing a project of this size through eWorkOrders CMMS solution was quick and easy.  The process included simple steps with a well-thought-out implementation plan, and DTH was up and running within a very short timeframe.


For the project with VDOT, eWorkOrders saved DTH Contract Services over $150,000 a year in IT services alone!  Before the implementation of eWorkOrders, the DTH team was managing multiple systems, with multiple platforms.  With the eWorkOrders CMMS solution, they were able to organize and streamline processes, set up preventive maintenance schedules, manage labor costs and work within tight budgets. Through the implementation of eWorkOrders and the ease of use, they were able to integrate the data into their CMMS platform and reduce their headcount by 3 employees who were managing legacy systems.  With one centralized system, productivity and efficiency had greatly increased.

Working with eWorkOrders Team

Rhett’s final comments were: “It has been great working with the eWorkOrders Team!  They understood our needs and requirements, budget constraints and worked with us to quickly get us up and running on the software.  Having a mix of technical and non-technical personnel. eWorkOrders provided us training via a recorded webinar, which at any time we can go back and review the webinar or share it with new employees.  Their online help and videos are always available.  It is extremely nice that I can at any time reach out to my account representative or their technical team with any questions or assistance.”

“I truly believe that if a company really wants to achieve success with a new CMMS solution, eWorkOrders is the one to go to with!  They will not disappoint you.  The team works closely together and have exceeded our expectations.  eWorkOrders is in the business of successfully assisting organizations through the implementation process and making sure that customers are comfortable with their system.  eWorkOrders has the best professional technical and management team who all contribute in different ways, and all work together to ensure customer satisfaction!”

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